BIGG BOSS 10: When Manu Cried For Manveer…

Bigg Boss introduced a challenging task on Thursday that gave the contestants an extra edge to save themselves from the upcoming nominations.
The housemates were divided into two teams- Team Manu made of Manveer, Lopa, Manu and Team Rohan made of Mona, Bani, Rohan. Manu, Manveer, and Lopa were tied to a bungee cord and were asked to put their hands on a red circle placed at a distance in the garden area.
The trio had to stretch the cord and take a position next to the red mark with their hands firmly placed on it at all times. They had to make sure that the majority of their team members survive in the said position for the longest time and if they are able to do so, they get a special power to save themselves from the next nominations. Team Bani had to displace Team Manu from the red mark.
During the task, Manveer was the last contestant holding his forte at the stand. The opposing team continued to pour cold water even as Manveer shivered. Seeing Manveer in such pain, Manu got tearful but kept boosting his confidence saying he was an inspiration to the common people.
During the task Lopamudra emerged as the new troublemaker inside the house. Manveer informed everyone that the washroom was littered with toilet papers and someone needed to clean it. Manu said that it was Lopa who created the maximum mess in the washroom and was turning a deaf ear to Manveer’s orders as she only cared about her makeup. Bani also joined the discussion and said that Lopa’s friendship with Manu and Manveer is of sheer convenience. Later, during the task, Lopa reacted violently when Bani and Rohan started pouring ice cold water, oil, spices, curd, sawdust and ice cubes on them in order to make her quit the task. While Bani continued to perform the task with great enthusiasm and irritated all three of them, Lopa got irritated and in an impulsive moment, lost the task.
Early in the morning, Mona warned Manu that he must think before he speaks as his candid manner is often perceived in a different way. Manu found Mona’s behaviour towards him very strange and confronted her about it. Mona told him that matters related to their friendship are being glorified and blown out of proportion outside the house and it has been bothering her. She added that after her wedding, she can’t afford to make any wrong move or take any wrong decision that will have any effect on their lives.
Returning to their patent mannerisms, contestants of Bigg Boss 10 are back in action. Squabbles, arguments, back biting and poking fun at each other — all spice and drama under one roof. After a couple of days of celebrations, housemates were given their last task for the season to secure themselves from the final eviction. Only time will tell who would be most deserving to win the weirdest season of Bigg Boss!