The trailer of film Sab Kushal Mangal was unveiled at an event in Mumbai. The film starring Akshaye Khanna and debutants Priyaank Sharma and Riva Kishan, is directed by Karan V Kashyap and will release on 3rd Jan 2020, the first film to release in 2020.
When asked if acting was always a plan, Priyaank said, âIt wasnât planned but I was inclined towards dramatics and arts since childhood…when I heard the script, I wanted to do the film.â
 âIt wasnât planned for me too but when I decided to take this as a profession, I told my dad…he told me to do what I felt is right. Dad has always guided me in best way possible. There was no pressure from my parents at all.â, Added Riva
Whatâs the one advice you got from your parents and is there any added pressure because your parents belong to the industry?
âBe natural, spontaneous and donât do too much of maths. Do it only if you enjoy it. Said my mom and dad. I wonât be able to work if I start thinking about the pressure but I must say even if I become half the actor that my mom is, I will be happy.â Said Priyaank.
When asked Akshaye about him returning to comedy, Akshaye said, âI was drawn to the film because it is a very sweet subject. Itâs a clean film. This is a film that you can watch with your grandparents.â
The film promises to take family audiences on a roller coaster ride of comedy.
Also present at the event were Priyaankâs parents actor Padmini Kolhapure and producer Pradeep Sharma and Rivaâs parents Ravi Kishan and his wife.
Presented by Nitin Manmohanâs One Up Entertainment, Akshaye Khanna and Abhishek Jagdish Jaiswal, the film marks the debut of Prachi Nitin Manmohan as a film producer.
Watch Trailer: