A Whale Returns This Lady’s Phone After She Drops It In The Ocean By Mistake

There can’t be anything better than this on the internet. The internet is the best place to find something you would have never expected in your entire life. With so much happening around the world, animals are showing the way for humans, can you believe it? Currently, a video is going viral which shows a whale returning a phone of the woman, who accidentally dropped it in the ocean.
This video was posted on Instagram, which shows a whale bringing back the phone of the lady holding in its mouth at the Hammerfest Harbor in Norway. The incident took place on Monday. Like literally no one would have believed that the woman would get her phone back when she accidentally dropped it in the open water.
Interestingly, Isa Opadhal who was on a boat with her friends got her phone back from a beluga whale. The video has gone viral on social media for very obvious reason. The video clearly shows the whale returning her phone. As the whale comes near her, she takes the phone from its mouth. The whale in the question is on harness appearing to be Russian. It is being speculated that she might have escaped from the military facility.
Watch The Video:
If only humans were so kind, the world would have been a better place to live.