“Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” is a 1992 Japanese animated film based on the Indian epic Ramayana gets its official release on 18 th October . The movie is a unique collaboration between Indian and Japanese creators and stands out for its cross-cultural approach to storytelling and animation. Directed by Yugo Sako a Japanese director, produced by Nippon Ramayana Films, a Japanese studio, and involved teams from both Japan and India. Co-director: Ram Mohan, an acclaimed Indian animator known as the “father of Indian animation”.
The film was banned due to allegations made by Indian politicians on a “foreigner depicting our mythology ” will be a disgrace on our country and culture. Even after various efforts to ban the film its television release made a hype of the film around the audience, with time the popularity grew becoming fan favorite.
After the massive failure in depicting Ramayana in Live action by Indian director, the demand of Ramayana: Legend of Prince Ram increased significantly. Making this a great time to release this legendary film.