This 6 Gruesome Realities the cheerleaders in IPL Face Will Shock you !

6. Identity revelation
When Angela Carson of Cricket Country did a piece of cheerleaders in IPL, she found out to her dismay that most of the spectators were under the impression that these “white-skinned” women were strippers and party favors imported from overseas. The truth pill tasted bitter when Angela found out that most of these women are actually educated women; for example, Melissa Burke, is a psychology and organizational psychology student back at home and this is only her fulfilling her passion for dance, which she solidified by learning contemporary jazz and hip hop while cheerleading for school rugby teams.
Take the example of Nadine Theron too; she is a photography major in her 3rd year who is taking her sojourn in India as a project for her photography studies, besides cheerleading.
Still not shocked enough at the height of the injustice? Here’s the eye opener, these cheerleaders often take time off their schedule to carry out charitable work, not all of which is part of their contractual promo obligations. They spend considerable time at the Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Kolkata spending time and donating money for the cause while speaking in volumes about being enchanted by the humanitarian work that is being conducted there.