This 6 Gruesome Realities the cheerleaders in IPL Face Will Shock you !

5. Misogynistic public image
The cheerleaders were in turn stuck wearing outfits that were small and congested for their size and were itchy to begin with, while performing in front of thousands strong audience who were busy cat calling and jeering every time the poor souls came up to perform at their own chagrin.
The frustrating part for them is that these aren’t just dancers recruited from a mall exhibition or academically challenged tarts who used to participate in college football or basketball games; some of the cheerleaders who answered the AMA on Reddit are academically sound women, including an Anthropology major graduate!
Before we label them as spoilt brats picking at the scabs of a 3rd world event, maybe the question we should ask ourselves was that if any Indian parent would have even allowed their Anthropology degree wielding daughter to dance at such an event, even if dance was her passion, or if they would have had any problems with people objectifying them in front of national television.
So to top off the hypocrisy cake, the cherry served the belief that these imported Caucasian women are sex objects fulfilling their roles by being the eye candy at a sporting event!