
This 6 Gruesome Realities the cheerleaders in IPL Face Will Shock you !

3. Improper housing and other facilities

Overall, it has not been a good experience for these girls at all residing at a place far away from their homeland, trying to earn a living out here. She regretted the fact by saying “If I were back in the US, I’d be shocked at the state of our toilets, changing rooms and on occasion our hotel rooms.”

During the first two games, she saw cockroaches and a rat in the toilet. “We realized our manager for that trip had been skimping us and pocketing the money he was saving on a cheaper hotel. Now they’re more like 3-star. Perfectly comfortable but not over the top,” she said.

She also revealed the state of their living, no suitable costumes, and the hotels are worse. As compared to the lump sum received, she revealed only a small amount is being spent on them, majority being pocketed by the higher officials. A serious issue which we have been ignorant about is put forward nicely by Monika assuredly enlightening us about one of the things that you didn’t



Coming from different backgrounds, the cheerleaders do not necessarily have to have interest in cricket or football. Most of them look into their job as a dancing contract. However, majorly they are looked upon as a ‘sex object’, which they are well aware of.

Interestingly, the AMA unfolds another truth about the things that you didn’t know about IPL cheerleaders. “No, they ignore us for the most part. We’re not allowed to talk to each other”, is what she has spoken trying to answer a question in the AMA. We get the feeling that this cold shouldering may have been decreed on the heels of the Gabriella Pasqualotto secret leak.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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