Ragini and Lakshya to come closer in Swaragini

Till now we saw Dadi tells Ragini that she called Police to get durga prasad arrested. Durga Prasad dismiss the party. Laksh asks Inspector to arrest Kaveri. Kaveri says you are ruling on this house because of me and now seeing me getting arrested. Ragini says you have betrayed and framed our Durga Prasad. Sujata asks Inspector to arrest Ragini and Dadi as she is equally guilty to trap Durga Prasad. Kaveri says if I am arrested, then Ragini and Dadi should also be arrested. Inspector asks Durga Prasad if he want to file complaint against them. Dadi says why? Inspector says blackmail is a severe offense. Durga Prasad refuses to file complaint against them. Annapurna says we will solve the matter within our family. Just then Kaveri keeps knife on Ragini’s neck. Everyone is shocked.
Kaveri says if I go to jail then you will also go woth me. Laksh recalls Ragini saving him when he had fallen in the valley. Shekhar tries to go towards her, to Kaveri asks him to back off. Laksh saves Ragini and gets kaveri arrested. Ragini is surprised at his gesture. Laksh wipes her blood with the tissue. He holds her hand and bring near Dadi. Sumi tells Ragini that she hopes that her eyes are open now. She says this family have saved your life even after you have hurt them a lot.
Swaragini will show that Lakshya(Namish Taneja ) recalls the moments when Kaveri tries to hurt Ragini. Lakshya(Namish) blames himself for Ragini’s bad behaviour and decide to get his sweet Ragini back. Lakshya startsto change for Ragini and talk to her sweetly.Ragini loves Lakshya alot but Lakshya’s deed changed her soft to hard.
Lakshya turns soft for Ragini changing her. On seeing changed in Lakshya, Ragini also turns softer for him.
Lakshya develops love feeling for Ragini which changes Ragini negative to positive. It will Intresting its Ragini’s New Plan or Something Else . But the question arises Is Lakshya falling for Ragini or its his plan?