15 Of The Most Controversial And Wild Jokes by AIB Knockout Of All Times

In the year 2014, the scene of Indian comedy changed forever. All India Bakchod team popularly known as AIB on 20th December 2014 teamed up with Karan Johar and Ranveer Singh and formed AIB Knockout. This was a live comedy show for the Indian audience which targeted on taking a dig at other people most celebrities and then enjoying a loud laugh. Karan Johar, Arjun Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh have become the building blocks of this show. But later Aditi Mittal, Abish Mathew, Rajeev Masand and Raghu Ram also joined. 4000 people watched the first live event in Mumbai and millions others are watching till date on Youtube.
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But since the first show was uploaded online the makers of the show received huge criticism for their jokes and vulgar comments. Many court cases and threats were issued against the show and as a result, the show was never telecasted again. And with this, any other show in the Indian entertainment history has not gone with that scale.