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10 Worst Places You Should Avoid Making Out!

People are mysterious creatures, who are always looking for adventures. Their fantasy and adventures have no bound. The love is one strong feeling, which has no boundaries. When people are in love, then don’t care for places or surroundings, they just can’t be away from each other. However, sometimes it can be really weird, especially if they can’t control their emotions at some worst places. We are going to tell you that you should be aware of your surroundings if you are looking for a place to make love. Scroll down to know 10 worst places people choose to make out.

1. Parking Space

It is inarguably the most awkward place to start your make-out session because, in the growing age of technology, people are under surveillance at almost most of the public space. You might want to control your emotion, as you may be under the surveillance of CCTV camera or guards.

2. When someone is sleeping in other room

This is kind of weird, as you never know that the person in other room fully sleeps or doing something else. Who knows your neighbor might just be enjoying themselves when you decided to give it go.

3. Public restroom

I simply don’t understand why anyone would make-out in a restroom. It is as unhygienic as gross. On top of that, the place is so congested.  If we talk about airport restroom, which is already very small, it is pretty hard for both of you to enjoy the moment.

4. In the rain

Now, this is one thing, which is pretty much inspired by films, especially Bollywood. We have seen countless rain dance and songs in our films. You might want to try that, but don’t you want to be little practical. Making out in rain is never a good idea, you might get cold.

5. In the backseat of the car

Let’s hypothetically consider that you are making out in the backseat of your car, you might be center of attraction for people around you. They would stare at you and make you pretty uncomfortable. If that is not enough, the backseat is also not that spacious.

6. Parent’s place

It is literally one of the worst places to make-out. First of all, it is totally weird and the second, your parent might walk in any moments. If you are caught in the act, imagine the level of embarrassment.

7. Hot Tub

It seems romantic and amazing, but you might be sharing bacteria and germs with your second half. You might think twice if you are planning something like that.

8. MacDonald’s

Really, do I need to give you a reason for it! It is a place for kids, for god sake! Have some decency and don’t scare the hell out of kids.

9. Prison

It is worst as well as dangerous. Imagine what will happen, if other inmates are s3xually charged.

10. The Couch

Again, we are going to remind you of the space and there is always a chance of falling over.

That’s all, folks!

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