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Top Superheroes of Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan Old Age | Filmymantra

Every person wants to work till a certain age and then enjoy life or rather spend a peaceful life after retirement, but not everyone is destined to practice it. Some of them enjoy their work so much that they are working till date with same zeal and fervor with which they started to work with. Here is a list of superheroes of Bollywood who have been doped with some anti-ageing drug, because they have no worries of getting old and age is a trivial thing for them.

Read on to uncover these miracle gentlemen!


Now I don’t think I need to write an introduction about this man, the “star of the millennium” whom we love. Generations grew up watching his movies. He made us cry, laugh, he showcased a romance that no one could do and ultimately he did something that we love about him the most, being humble and ground to earth. His “Deviyon and Sajjanon” is one of the best things a human ear can hear.

He first gained popularity in the early 1970s as the ‘angry young man’ of Hindi cinema and after playing the title role of “Shahenshah”, he created a storm in the entire nation. His yesteryears movies like “Laawaris”, “Coolie”, “Naseeb”, “Silsila”, “Sharabi” and “Jaadugar” can never be forgotten, which rose him to the current stardom and fan following.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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