These Are Top 10 Smartphones With The Highest Level Of Radiation, See If Your Phone Is In The List

Imagine your life without mobile phones, it would seem incomplete. From making calls to reading the news to playing games and watching videos, we rely too much on smartphones. Most of the people start their day with smartphones, such is the craze. However, environmentalists have been complaining about the ill side effects of mobile phones, all thanks to the radiations it emits causing harm to birds.
However, no one really takes their concern seriously. The time has come for us to seriously consider the consequences of using smartphones so heavily. What we are going to tell you will force you to think twice before you go and buy a smartphone.
According to a list compiled by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection, smartphones from top brands are emitting the highest level of radiation. As per the report of Statista, the latest mobile phones of top brands like Samsung, Apple, LG, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Google, Motorola, BlackBerry, and many more were examined to see the radiation levels. Their result will leave you shell-shocked.
The result shows that Xiaomi Mi A1 is the smartphone that emits the highest level of radiations. OnePlus 5T takes the second spot in this list followed by Xiaomi Mi Max 3 and OnePlus 6T.
Here Is The List:
1. Xiaomi Mi A1
2. OnePlus 5T
3. Xiaomi Mi Max 3
4. OnePlus 6T
5. HTC U12 Life
6. Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
7. Google Pixel 3 XL
8. OnePlus 5
9. iPhone 7
10. Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact
One of the most surprising things about this list is that one of the most popular brands in smartphones business Samsung doesn’t have a single phone in this list.
Is your phone on this list? Tell us your views in the comment section down below.