Remember Little Girl From Slumdog Millionaire Who Played Latika? She Looks Like This Now

When Slumdog Millionaire released, it received lots of attention in India as well as aboard. The movie did phenomenal business all across the globe. The movie put its lead actor Dev Patel and Freida Pinto to the world map. Their film career took a whole new turn after this movie.
Slumdog Millionaire proved to be very helpful to many actors, who rose to fame and went on to enjoy a very successful career in the entertainment business. The movie was perfect in every sense. Everyone associated with the movie received huge praise from critics and fans. One such young artist, who stole everyone’s hearts, was Rubina aka youngest Latika. Due to the movie, she got sponsorship, which helped her in the study. All thanks to that sponsorship, she is now an independent person. Slumdog Millionaire was one of the most critically acclaimed films, which won 8 Academy Awards Including ‘Best Original Music Score’ for legendary music director A. R. Rahman.
Now, we are going to talk about another actress, who did a really fantastic job in the film. The role of young Latika was played by Tanvi Lonkar. Tanvi played her role to perfection. Today, we have gathered some of the most beautiful pictures of that girl, who looks beautiful and gorgeous now.
She is a free-spirited girl. Her simile is going melt your hearts.
Tanvi was just 14 years old when she featured in the film Slumdog Millionaire. She is a big of a fan of classical dancing since her childhood. Her love for dancing got her part of teenage Latika in the movie.
Currently, Tanvi is studying in the USA. She loves painting and sketching.
Tanvi Lonkar is quite fitness freak. She is also very active on social media. Her Instagram profile is filled with her beautiful pictures.
We wish her all the best in her career. We are hoping to see her in movies. Tell us your thoughts in the comment section down below.