Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor never miss a moment to do fun and frolic things with her friends and closed ones. This time, she is all excited to flirt with her rumoured Boyfriend Anand Ahuja on social media. Well, She has often spotted with Delhi-based businessman Anand on several occasions. At first, they spotted together at Akshay Kumar’s ‘Rustom’ premiere and soon their names are being tagged together. At latest Sonam Kapoor had a gala time with ‘Hancock’ star Will Smith along with Anand Ahuja. Anand has uploaded the picture on Instagram and soon a laughter-battle has started. Some of Sonam’s friends have joined them and did some leg pulling for the fun. Anand Ahuja is a popular name in the business world and has its own clothing line named ‘Bhane’. On the film front, Sonam Kapoor was last seen in critically acclaimed biopic ‘Neerja’. What Do you have to say about their relationship rumour? Do let us know.