Why Should I read Pooja Misrra’s Biography…Whats in a name? You were not born to be mediocre!

So when you say this out loud after having a caught a glimpse of Pooja Misrra’s upcoming biography….somewhere in the back of the mind you have surrendered to Mediocrity!
Really! You truly shouldn’t read this book and live an ignorant life of not knowing your massive potential…..Because you were not born to be even good but GREAT!!
Yes, my dear friend so silence that critical conscious mind of yours conditioned by envious peoples hearsay and pre-book a copy of this book that will be nothing short of an eyeopener!
They say the wisest form of literacy is by learning from other’s mistakes, but how often have you seen celebrities giving it all away to empower others?Never! In this insecure environment of showbiz infested with air-kissing page 3 socialites, how often do we come across a fearless girl who undresses to nothing to help others learn from her experiences?
Pooja in fact wishes had someone been so generous and honest with her about their life experiences maybe her lapidarian journey would have been easier.But as none did, here is the true non advertised philanthropist being that person!
Yes, there sure have been kind people who have gesticulated and dropped clues but when your mind is on rent to a predator how do you comprehend!
Anyhow this book has all the ingredients of a best seller and is one you should immediately grab a copy of as if you are late it might just be sold off!
So witness a story that will shock you, disturb you, but eventually change that
part of you that you never even knew existed…..YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL!