Anushka Sharma was with her husband and Indian skipper Virat Kohli on his tour to the UK for test series with England. We have seen the couple spending quality time with each other when Virat used to get offs. We have seen pictures of the couple shopping and sightseeing. Anushka is back in India and yesterday she was at the trailer launch of her upcoming movie âSui Dhaagaâ that has Varun Dhawan opposite her. During the trailer launch when the actress was asked how she gets to spend time with Virat with professional commitments, she said that she doesnât get enough time to spend with her hubby Virat because of her profession.
She said, âI started working when I was 15 and I am still working. I got married but I continued working. But the domestic nature which Sharat gave me, the feeling of getting married and being at home (I never got it before). After getting married, I don’t even get that much time to spend with my husband (Virat Kohli).ââBut the fact that, in this film to stay in that world of domestic set-up, to be in the kitchen, I really got to live in a homely atmosphere. So thank you Sharat. The moment I got married, they got me to Sui Dhaaga. It was literally like that,â added Anushka.
Virat and Anushka got hitched on December 11, 2017, in Tuscany, Italy. Their wedding was a surprise for everyone and at that point of time, social media was flooded with their stunning pictures. The wedding was followed by two lavish receptions, one in Mumbai, and the other in Delhi. The couple keeps their fans updated with their lovey-dovey pictures and they have given relationship goals with their pictures. Despite trolls, they never cease to be together with each other and make sure to spend quality time whenever they feel it possible.