OMG !! Narendra Modi’s Pic In Top 10 Criminals

OMG 😮 Google has apologised after PM Narendra Modi’s photos started appearing in the image search results for “Top 10 criminals”. What was the matter nobody knows except GOOGLE. Now a Google statement said “”We apologise for any confusion or misunderstanding this has caused,”
70% Of the image result was of Indian PM “NARENDRA MODI”
Narendra Modi figures in the search alongside images of terrorists, murderers and dictators. Other world leaders on the list include former US president George Bush and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi.
Some more famous personalities along Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, lawyer Ram Jethmalani, fugitive underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt who is serving a jail term in connection with deadly blasts in Mumbai in 1993.
Google Also said – “These results trouble us and are not reflective of the opinions of Google”
“”Sometimes, the way images are described on the internet can yield surprising results to specific queries… We’re continually working to improve our algorithms to prevent unexpected results like this,”
Google said multiple news articles with images of Modi reported his comments about politicians with criminal backgrounds. it said that these articles did’t means that PM is involve in any criminal activity but the words appeared in close proximity to his name .
But when we search “Top 10 Criminals” Below the search box, the results page states: “These results don’t reflect Google’s opinion or our beliefs; our algorithms automatically matched the query to web pages with these images.”