Breaking News Salman Khan Convicted for 5 years in prison

Breaking News Salman Khan Convicted for 5 years in prison
Today Events
Judge gives final Verdict Salman Khan Sentenced for 5 years in Prison
Salman Khan’s lawyer presented Being Humans balance sheet asking judge to reconsider judgement #salmanverdict
*Court asks Salman what he has to say. He denied charges saying he was not driving the car.
Sohail khan and arbaz khan leaves the court room
*Salman Khan convicted of all charges in 2002 hit-and-run case, sentencing today
* Defence is arguing. Charges against Salman Khan – 304 II (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 279 (rash and negligent driving) , 337 (causing minor injuries) , 338 (causing major injuries), 427 ( negligence)
11.23 am: Additional police deployment swings into action outside the court premises. Three tier bandobast in place with court room number 58 as the epicentre of the security protocol.
11.10 am: Salman Khan convicted of all 8 charges, including 304 II. Court observes Salman Khan was driving under the influence of alcohol.
11.08 am: Salman Khan in witness box. Sentencing begins.
11.01 am: The courtroom is packed to capacity.
10.55 am: Rizwan Rakhangi, the witness, is giving TV interviews. He was the manager of the bar, where Salman Khan allegedly drank before driving.