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Netizens Bid Adieu To Game Of Thrones With Hilarious Memes And Jokes

Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t watched the finale episode of Game of Thrones, please go back and come back after watching it. The article contains major spoilers about the sixth and final episode of GOT Season 8.

After lots of speculations and almost 2-years of wait, Game of Thrones final season started airing last month and concluded this week. Finally, we know what happened in the last and fate of each and every character. There were lots of deaths that we never expected. Danny was killed by her lover Jon Snow, who was later captured and sent to the Wall as a punishment.

Tyrion Lannister resigned as the hand of the queen but ended up becoming the hand of the king. There is no iron throne with only survivor Dragon Drogon melting down the throne everyone was fighting for. Bran: The Broken became the King of Six Kingdoms. Sansa Stark is the queen of Winterfell, which is an independent kingdom now.

The final episode of Game of Thrones had too much to wrap up and it did a pretty good job of it. However, as usual, Twitter is once again flooded with hilarious memes and jokes about the show. We bring you some of the funniest Tweets that summed up the show perfectly:

Which one is your favorite? Did we miss any?

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