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Madhav Mahajan’s story is indeed one of a kind

A musicians journey has never meant to be an easy one. It always includes many sacrifices and compromises. The same way Madhav Mahajan’s story is indeed one of a kind.

Not being the usual main stream one but it’s twists and turns making it a unique one. Madhav, as it’ll come a surprise for many is also a doctor

In order to fulfill his family’s dream, Madhav took up medical studies and did achieve a doctorate degree and then lead to achieving his dream of being a singer.

This music sensation struggling his way out, beating the hurdles is today one of the most well renowned musician digitally.

When asked about the same Madhav says “the journey was not easy. It’s never suppose to be easy,but the fruits of it are always worth it. So much love and blessings provided by my fans is truly overwhelming and I thank everyone who were there and are there with me through my struggle”

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