NASA tells Marvel how to rescue Tony Stark from space!

After Marvel finally released the trailer of the most awaited film- Avengers 4: Endgame,which will continue the story from where it ended in the previous film (Thanos killing 50 percent of humanity at random with the help of the Infinity Stones). In the starting of the trailer, Iron Man- Tony Stark is shown sending a farewell message to his lady love- Miss Pots.
At the beginning of the trailer, Tony is shown stuck in the space and recording farewell message for Pepper Potts which read as- “Dear Miss Potts, if you find this recording don’t feel bad about this, part of the journey is the end. Just for the record being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds. Food and water ran out four days ago, oxygen will run out tomorrow morning and I mean it, when I drift off I will dream about you, it’s always you.”

After watching the trailer fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe pleaded The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to bring their hero back to Earth. After receiving pleads on social media from all over the world, NASA’s official twitter responded to Marvel offering help to find Tony Stark if he doesn’t have a communication device.
NASA tweeted, “Hey @Marvel, we heard about Tony Stark. As we know, the first thing you should do is listen in mission control for “@Avengers, we have a problem.” But if he can’t communicate, then we recommend ground teams use all resources to scan the skies for your missing man(sic)”
The trailer has set another benchmark too. It has become the first ever trailer in history to reach 289 million views in just 24 hours.
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