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Ironman vs Batman : Are you ready to watch the legend fall ?

As we all know guys, “Avengers – Age of Ultron” is going to be released and after that “Captain America – Civil War” by Marvel and “Batman v Superman” by DC Universe. Following the events of the movie “Age of Ultron”, all the government bodies of the world passed an act designed to regulate all the superhuman activity around the world. Very soon Marvel’s next movie is coming “Civil war”, which is a battle between the two leads, Captain America and Ironman.

But ever thought about a real fight between Marvel and DC Universe? Or about a storyline about it? How about IronMan Vs BatMan? In which Marvel and DC characters are going to assemble?

Here is a video created by us which is non official and fan made video featuring the fight and collaboration between Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark. Tony Stark is the Iron Man and Bruce is the Batman if you are not aware of this.

In this epic trailer, both get into a fight and it is a must watch trailer with dialogues, fight scenes, and credits scene explaining Tony Stark also needs help sometimes from the Batman. Please support this video by liking it, sharing it and subscribing it too. Here is the video.


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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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