Only Brilliants Can Spot Minor Differences In These 8 Pictures!

Remember the old days of hunting and grabbing news papers and comics the first most??? Ofcourse, we do! We have all done that for a common reason all throughout our childhood! For the interesting stories and puzzles in these! One such game that was everybody’s favorite was Spot The Difference! This game was almost everybody’s choice and it was a genius with brilliant attentive skills who could solve these!
Spot the Difference was a game wherein there were 2 similar pictures placed exactly next to each other! Although these pictures looked exactly the same, there wee a certain differences in these pictures! The task was to spot these differences! Not everybody could solve this! Some would end up finding one or two while some others finding ten, but there were hardly a few brilliant people who could spot all the differences in one go!
Well, taking you down the memory lane and letting you practice those old skills, presenting to you 8 such similar pictures, between which, Spot The Difference truly is a pain in the neck! A brilliant’s call this is! A challenge up for all!
Spot the Difference Between these images that look almost the same but have got atleast 3 differences each!
And the answer is:
The Second One!
And the answer is:
The Third One:
And the answer is:
Ever Been to a Circus??
And the answer is:
Beach Please!!
And the answer is:
The Next One
And the answer is:
Wall Painting be this Beautiful!
And the answer is:
And the last one!
How many could you find??? Brilliants Call!!
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