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Historic Moment: Indian Athletes Bagged 362 Medals At Special Olympics 2019

With two biggest events in India, Lok Sabha Election 2019 starting from April 11, 2019, and Indian Premier League 12 starting from March 23 this Saturday, the entire media is focusing on these two events. Amidst all this, media forget to cover one of the most historic moments, the astonishing success of Indian athletes at Special Olympics 2019.

We are so busy covering IPL and general election that we failed to give importance to Special Olympics. People donā€™t even know where it is happening. For your information, Special Olympics 2019 took place in the United Arabs Emirates and Indian contingency is doing wonderfully well.

Indian athletes have won a total of 362 medals, which is unbelievable. Indian has bagged 49 medals in the roller skating event that includes 13 gold, 20 silver, and 16 bronze medals.

Special Olympics 2019 started on March 14 and will conclude on March 21. The Indian athletes performed exceptionally well in several events including roller skating, aquatics, judo, basketball traditional, table tennis, powerlifting, handball traditional, badminton, cycling, and 7-side football.

Not to be confused with Paralympics, Special Olympic is the event where participants are also intellectually disabled. Overcoming all their disabilities, more than 7,500 athletes from 200 countries took part in this tournament and proved hard work can achieve anything.

289 athletes and 73 coaches went to Special Olympic representing India. This event representsĀ hope and equality. The event takes place every two years. It is ninth time India has participated in this event.

Sonu Kumar from Rohtak bagged the gold medal in Judo, whereas teen Jitendra Pawal won gold in 200m race and Muskan won a silver medal in squat and bench press. 18-year-old Anu Chennekota bagged gold in 16-21 division-3 categories of paddlers, whereas 19-year-od Manali Manoj won a gold and a bronze in powerlifting.







It is a proud moment for all.

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