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From Players Wearing Dhoti Kurta To Sanskrit Commentary, This Cricket Tournament In Varanasi Can’t Get Any Better

Cricket and Bollywood are the two most popular means of entertainment in the country. Cricket in India is not a sport, it’s a religion and players are treated like a god. Over the years, cricket has come a long way. From the match level to broadcasting, everything has changed for good. Bat and ball underwent several changes and so are the rules.

It won’t be wrong to say that cricket is currently in its peak with so many nations playing the game and other trying to get into it. But, we have never thought a cricket tournament can be played the way a tournament in Varanasi has been. They have come up with one tournament that’ll go down in history.

According to a report in NDTV, a cricket tournament was organized in Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vidyalaya, where players were playing the game wearing dhoti Kurta and commentators commentating in Sanskrit. A teacher of the school, Ganesh Dutt Shastri said,

“All Sanskrit schools across Varanasi are participating in the tournament. There are five teams in contest and all the students are wearing dhoti and kurta. The Sanskrit commentary is being delivered by Shresht Narayan Mishra and Dr Vikas Dixit.”

This unique cricket tournament was organized on 75th founding year of the School. It is a 10 over games with players playing the games barefoot with three lines of shivling on their forehead, umpires and commentators also wearing traditional attire.

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Talking about the unique nature of the tournament, Shastrath Mahavidyalaya teacher Acharya Pawan Kumar said,

“It is a proud moment for us that this tournament is known as Sanskrit Cricket League. While on other days, the boys study Vedas and have pens in their hands, today they have a bat and ball in their hands.”

The distinct and Indian take on cricket deserves to be applauded. What do you think?

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