Four Youngsters Shared A Beautiful Message About Hindu-Muslim Friendships On Facebook

India has faced many trying times which tested its unity. India is a land of “Unity in diversity”, despite all the tough times, no one deny that we Indians celebrate unity in diversity. As it refers to the state of togetherness or oneness in-spite of presence of immense diversity.
The world is dealing with issues like religious fundamentalism, a post from facebook is a reminder that differences can’t divide us.
A Facebook page “Humans of Bombay’ recently posted a picture which will win hearts on the internet for its beautiful message.
This is a post where you’ll believe that Hindus and Muslims do happily coexist in our society.
The post is about the friendship between three Muslim boys and a Hindu boy. Talking to ‘Humans of Bombay after their evening namaz, one of the boys says, “He’s a Hindu, but he still comes with us every day, after work, so that we can spend some time together. We pray for him and he prays for us – he even knows certain parts of the Quran by heart, and we’re learning the Gayatri Mantra from him!”
They also have a message on humanity to the world. “There’s just one person up there, and He listens to all, no matter where you’re from. If the whole world understands that, then wouldn’t it just be heaven on earth?” the post read.
A popular detergent company faced a backlash online for an advertisement promoting Hindu and Muslim harmony. It made us question if humans are nothing more than the religion they practice.
This post reminds us all that humanity is not dead and we Indians follow the religion of faith in humanity. There is a sense of national unity and oneness among all the Indians. It is this spirit of patriotism that binds us together as one nation.