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Does The Indian Law Work Differently For VIPs And Celebrities?

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Finally! It’s a sign of relief to our very own Munnabhai of Bollywood. Sanjay Dutt walks free after 5 years of jail term today on February 25, 2016, for possession of illegal arms in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blasts case.

Sanjay Dutt was awarded 156 days of parole from 961 days of his sentence. His jail term was reduced by 105 days on humanitarian grounds.

Munnabhai walk’s out free!

Such  happy news, right?

We are living in one country which is overly familiar with the term VIP. The question is why do we have VIP culture? People who are supposed to be public servants are working for high profile celebrities. While Sanjay Dutt fan and Indian administration might take pride for the star of Bollywood. But law is equal to everyone, whereas we demand justice and fairness in another similar case like Zaibunnisa Kazi, she is one of the main accused in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts case and was convicted under the TADA act. She surrenders herself for the same offense of Sanjay Dutt whereas he was seen enjoying his perks of parole awarded by our system. But unfortunately, she wasn’t despite having a genuine medical reason.

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Are we fighting against crime or system?

The question is why Sanjay duty have been given special treatment? just because he has a political influential? We are pretty sure Zaibunnisa Kazi must be equally well behaved but she wasn’t awarded by such perks neither a single day was reduced from her sentence.

We are not complaining about the conviction and privileges given to Mr Dutt but it’s obvious “Two wrong doesn’t make right”. We completely believe in this theory but we are just questioning about unfairness happening with common people we plead our judicial system for justice and fairness in a trial.


While the Indian administration might take pride in the way the star offender was brought to ‘justice’ and how everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, a closer look reveals that fairness is the last thing Dutt’s trial had anything to do with. From acquitting Dutt from charges under TADA, unlike Zaibunnisa Kazi for the same offense to granting the star prolonged furloughs and paroles over prisoners with genuine medical conditions, Dutt’s jail sentence and subsequent release are as big a joke as labelling all JNU students as anti-nationals.

Whereas whole nations are obsessed with 28 years old JNU students Kanhaiya Kumar was labelled as a traitor, anti-national and he was beaten and harassed right outside the Patiala House Court by a hostile group of fanatic lawyers while cops stood there watching tamasha. This 28 yr old boy was recently was arrested earlier this month on sedition charges, for allegedly making anti-national statements at an event on February 9 in support of terrorist Afzal Guru, where anti-India slogans were raised.


Fact:  Kanhaiya Kumar not been found guilty yet, but he still finds himself in judicial custody.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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