Niagara Falls FREEZE Making Canada The COLDEST Place On Earth, See Thrilling Pictures

The temperature in Canada and the USA is terribly cold, which has resulted in Niagara Falls totally covered in icy. Currently, Niagara Falls looks like a winter wonderland.
The temperature in the states has dropped beyond the freezing point. Right now, it is around -12 degree Celsius. The cold temperature is certainly acting as a spoilsport for people’s New Year’s plans.
However, Niagara Falls is looking astonishing this time, all thanks to icy temperature. People are sharing several pictures of Instagram and Twitter. It is looking as awesome as it can get.
Check out some of the most astonishing pictures of Icy Niagara Falls:
But, we have to be aware of the fact that it is a warning that no one should dare to ignore. Climate change has been a hot topic for several years, this new change definitely reveals a threatening warning. Few parts of the world are currently witnessing temperatures lower than the North Pole. We should work towards saving our planet and live a happy and prosperous life years to come. We should take a resolution to save our mother nature. Happy New Year!