Twitter is the best way to entertain you. If you are feeling low, you can check out some of the trolls, you will not stop laughing. Currently, Twitter is in splits on the picture, where a man is seen giving very odd and complex pose. This man would have never thought that he would become so much famous.
This photo of a man is breaking the internet. A man is seen giving a very indifference and complex pose. When the photo came into the limelight, people started giving very funny captions. The photo got very interesting and funny explanation.
People started giving explanations for that pose in their own way. The Twitter users started discussing the matter in their own way. The caption took interesting turns, where some of them even said that it was some subtle and stern message to China and Pakistan. Some even compared his pose to Baba Ramdev Yoga pose. Overall, Twitter never fails to amaze us. The photo was turned into a meme, all thanks to the creative minds of Twitter users.
Check out some of the funniest Twitter reactions to this man’s photo
Always, you’ll find your crush joke
That’s call creativity!
Professional Jokes
When your job is shit but when your relatives ask "Beta kaam kaisa chal raha Hai" pic.twitter.com/J1DnyceXV9
— Aladdin (@Alllahdin) August 18, 2017
*When she wants to know what's a Cosine Wave but you don't have a pen and paper to show her!* pic.twitter.com/cZ89MOm2zM
— Ronit Velari (@ronit_velari) August 19, 2017
1. Client Expectation
2. Client Budget pic.twitter.com/SoyttDVcCs— InGenious (@Bees_Kut) August 19, 2017
How can we forget our Photoshop brigade, they also joined in for some good fun.
Haters will say this is photoshopped. pic.twitter.com/UalR5okrXV
— . (@FindKito) August 18, 2017
Pic 1: Kids
Pic 2: Adults
Pic 3: Legends pic.twitter.com/RZ6jiwExWZ
— Krishna (@Atheist_Krishna) August 18, 2017
He is everywhere . pic.twitter.com/HAxCdW3huJ
— s (@theesmaarkhan) August 19, 2017
Tell us what you think about the photo. You can voice your view in the comment section. hope you enjoyed it.