Deepika Padukone invests $3 million In E-Taxi Start Up Blu Smart For Women

We all know that Deepika Padukone is the highest-paid actress in Bollywood, she took the best step for women of our country and invested a huge amount on this company. The co-founder of the company Punit Goyal explains how Deepika came on board,
“Deepika loves the vision of our company. She is aware that our cars are safer to travel – the safety standards are very high. We own the cars and we get the drivers on board. Also, she realized that cars are all-electric vehicles. While we are building a great mobility platform, we are also doing something about the environment. The cars are zero-emission. Moreover, there’s no surge pricing and also there’s no ride cancellation. So when you book a ride, you get a ride. You can cancel the ride but the driver can’t. Due to all these reasons, she Deepika felt motivated to invest.”
Punit Goyal also revealed that Deepika is doing for women empowerment. She also got a few women drivers so that they can gain employment. That was her idea.
Few cabs of this company are seen plying on Mumbai streets. “We have launched with 26 cars and now we are increasing the fleet to 200 cars by February/March 2020in Mumbai. We already have 320 cars in Delhi, which will be enhanced by 1000 cars by January next year”, says Punit. To book this Blu Smart cab, one needs to download its app. The Blu Smart is expected to be 30% cheaper than the other aggregator services.