Salman Khan Upset on Karan Johar for AIB

Karan Johar’s troubles over his participation in the controversial AIB’s Roast are far from over.
The latest setback is, Salman Khan has taken huge offence to the titillating tamasha and has ticked off Karan Johar in no uncertain terms.
A close buddy of Salman spilled the beans when he revealed, “Salman doesn’t entertain or tolerate any kind of chichoraapan (vulgar behaviour) in public. He does a lot of mazaa-masti with friends in private. But in public his conduct is impeccable.”
Apparently Salman Khan was livid when his dear sister Arpita was named at the Roast. Though the offensive portions were removed from the show when it was edited for Youtube, Salman is still very upset over the whole issue.
Says a source, “Salman called up and gave Karan a piece of his mind. Salman told Karan in no uncertain terms that he found all the on-stage humour distasteful and unacceptable. He also threatened to walk of Karan’s film Shuddhi.”
Whether Salman Khan will finally simmer down and be pacified by Karan remains to be seen. But at the moment the superstar is in no mood to relent.
Salman Khan doesn’t want to hear a word about Karan Johar or his film.