
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s Unique Take On The Breakfast Dish Left ‘Eggs Kejriwal’

Chef Sanjeev Kapoor who is known to share recipes of easy-to-make, simple dishes on his Twitter account, recently shared a unique breakfast recipe on eggs. What makes it so unique and a perfect breakfast option is not so much the ingredients.

Chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s special recipe of eggs has left Indian Twitter users into splits.

The dish is now new and is served at various restaurants worldwide. Some claim the crisp toast with fried eggs and cheese is named after businessman Devi Prasad Kejriwal.

The dish requires a toasted bread with chopped onions, freshly-minced coriander leaves, and a slice of cheese.


The election looming large, the tweeple couldn’t control the urge to indulge in some healthy trolls, to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. What better time could the chef have chosen to share the recipe than when the atmosphere in the nation is so politically.

Here is what Chief Sanjeev Kapoor posted:

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