
This Bollywood Actress From Airlift Is Hospitalised!

Bollywood beauty Feryna Wazheir, who has surprised us with her acting skills in ‘Airlift’ movie, is currently hospitalised now. At latest, she is diagnosed for  food poisoning and still in the recovering phase.


Feryna Wazheir  has started her career in Bollywood with Ketan Mehta’s ‘Rang Rasiya’. Her recent ‘Airlift’ performance is certainly one of her best.  In ‘Airlift’, she has essayed the role of a Kuwaiti girl who has been saved by Akshay Kumar and his inmates in the movie.


Currently, Feryna is recovering well in the  hospital and is on the saline right now. At latest we heard that she will be discharged from hospital in just a few days.

Fans are inundating her social media with get well messages.


Overall, we just wish Feryna Wazheir a speedy recovery.

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