News & Gossip

Benafsha Calls Priyank as Like Her Brother! Gets Slammed on Twitter!

The house of Bigg Boss is getting uglier every day it passes by. The closeness of Benafsha Soonawalla with Priyank Sharma has been the most controversial topic in the show. However, the duo displayed some of the romantic moments in the show. More than that, their alleged affair has led the breakup of Priyank and his girlfriend Divya!

They kept kissing and hugging each other and even shared a single bed. Of course, Benafsha was shut slammed for acting so cheap. The tale took a turn now! After coming from the Bigg Boss house, Benafsha has shared a completely different story saying that she said that Priyank is like her brother!

In the other words, she gives him “Bro vibes”. Now it has created an uproar in the social media. Is a sister-brother relation is like this? Twitter is absolutely slamming her for his statement. Here it goes;

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