Twinkle Khanna Posts A Picture Hinting At Toilet: Ek Prem Katha PART 2 !!

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha has been doing wonders at the box office with Rs 100 crore club not far from its kitty. Meanwhile, Twinkle Khanna, the writer of the film, took to twitter today morning apparently hinting at “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha Part 2”
Akshay Kumar’s wife Twinkle Khanna is popularly known for her humorous and witty tweets. Mrs. Funnybones never takes a step back in stating her opinion whenever required.
During a morning walk in Mumbai, she spotted someone defecating at the sea-shore and took to twitter to post a picture about the same. Check out her tweet below:
Good morning and I guess here is the first scene of Toilet Ek Prem Katha part 2 #WhenYourWalkGoesDownTheToilet
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) August 19, 2017
People had pretty mixed reactions to the picture but most of them came up with funny tweets in support of Twinkle Khanna:
But people should be awake too : they can always go to closest toilet
— pallavi ghosh (@_pallavighosh) August 19, 2017
To this tweet, Mrs Funny Bones replied:
Exactly!The public toilet is a 7-8 minute walk from this particular spot…
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) August 19, 2017
Check out some of the most hilarious responses to the tweet:
Ya Allah… Aswachh Bharat Abhiyaan
— Movie Buff (@moviebuff2023) August 19, 2017
While some supported Twinkle, the others felt for the guy defecating in open and blamed the lack of toilets in India. Check out the tweets:
but may be he doesn't have a toilet , not everyone has access to toilet !
— gautham pai (@babbipai) August 19, 2017
This one had an innovative idea for a part 2 version of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha:
wow pls pls Make It #ToiletEkpremKatha2 And It Should Be On Open Deficiation In Big Cities Its major Problem
— Bhushan Khiladi (@Bhushanadhau1) August 19, 2017
The Samagra model in Pune:
Back to toddlerhood and toilet training:
With several thousand likes, retweets and more than 500 comments, the former actor has certainly caught the attention of Tweeple. Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha takes up a social topic and shows us our faultlines through a romantic tale.
Seems like despite the awareness of using public toilet and various campaigns, open defecation still remains a major problem in India. What do you think? Comment below.