Batman Vs Superman Ultimate Cut Is BETTER than the original!

The most frequent nagged upon error in the movie is the haphazard editing. The flow from scene to scene was incoherent and the story did not add up completely. Motivations for characters were blinded and the main villain’s grand plan seemed quite irrelevant. The big question that fans pondered upon was “Does Superman Have Enough Motivation To Fight Batman?” This cut precisely solves all of those problems by adding those ‘cut’ scenes of Superman in the movie. Suddenly with what seems like just a few lingering transition shots and added dialogue the movie suddenly transforms into a notable accomplishment. Suddenly Superman’s story arc isn’t stupid and shrill. Lois Lane isn’t just a face in the movie and murderous, psychopathic Batman makes sense. The movie isn’t without its minor drawbacks, the ‘Martha’ sequence is still a drag and Jesse Eisenberg is still pretty annoying.
Who knew that just a few minutes more of the Africa scene, an added subplot of a woman named Kahira, a simple conversation between two police officers, a comment by a homeless man, a few more dialogues of Clark Kent and a little blood splatter could have made Batman V Superman a good still not great movie. It’s ironic that all it took was the cutting of details from this enormous hunk of a movie to annihilate it.
When you have dozens of problems with the movie, this surely will address most of your problems but not all. It just makes it easier to overlook the rest of the problems. So rejoice we can now erase the existence of the theatrical version of the movie from our minds, we can send it to the phantom zone because this is a superior movie compared to the one we all watched in March.