Batman Vs Superman Ultimate Cut Is BETTER than the original!

Zach Snyder received harsh criticism for his original ‘post 9/11 alien invasion’ take of Superman, grounded in real life scenarios and tackling themes of life and death with his previous endeavor Man Of Steel. The director found himself fending off angry fans ranting about the anarchic third act destruction in Man Of Steel. Defeated, he took a step back and promised that Batman V Superman would do much more service to the fans and naysayers and Superman will be held accountable for the destruction. After BvS released earlier this March we could only watch as the world ripped his film to shreds, critics and fans alike. Zach Snyder still reassured us that Justice League would be giving us more answers. The DC Extended Universe is only 2 films but has sparked opinions in every moviegoer’s mind becoming the most reactionary franchise in recent memory.
But before Justice League Zach Snyder, as a final attempt to rekindle hope proclaims to fans that his Director’s Cut or Ultimate Edition is the most accurate representation of his vision. And against all odds, all rational expectations, all ideological sense- Its Good. Now let’s not get completely carried away, it’s still sort of messy and the ‘Martha’ scene still exists but it’s quite a relief to know that there is a version the film that we will actually enjoy.