Popular singer Taylor Swift was spotted in track shorts and a light blue sweatshirt with a hoodie as she was jogging in the street. She was seen entering her New York City apartment on Wednesday after her workout. She is currently on a stadium tour through November but now she is on a break in Manhattan.
She was seen listening to music wearing a pair of colourful sneakers. She also wore a pair of sunglasses.
Swift’s Reputation tour continues on Tuesday, August 7 with a show in Pittsburgh. The tour started on May 8 in Glendale, California and is scheduled to end on November 21 in Tokyo. Swiftâs Reputation stadium tour is breaking records, and according to StubHub, it was the best-selling female tour in the United Kingdom in 2018.
In an interview with BBC back in May, The Shake It Off star spoke about the tour. Her best friends Camila Cabello and Charli XCX accompanied her in the first tour. She said, ‘It’s been so fun,’ she said. I have two friends out with me. It’s a good vibe all around. It’s so fun backstage.’ Swift’s next show of the tour is on Tuesday, i.e. August 7 in Pittsburgh.