#AskSRK: Witty Responses To Questions By His Co-Stars ‘DearZindagi’ Style!

2.” Dear Shah Rukh aka Jug, Apart from a lion, if you had to pick an animal, which one would you choose and why? Love, Alia”
Dear Alia, I would say a monkey. I like monkeys, they are sweet. I like the way they hang and stuff. Especially in Jungle Book, the way they talk and behave, is something I love. I would have anyway not picked a lion. Everybody tries to be the lion. Though I have the mane, I like monkeys a lot. Especially when I was young. Also, if you have seen Jungle Book, you will remember them saying, ‘I have a little banana.’ I love monkeys but I am very scared of them. I have put that fear in Raees too, but then again, I love them because they are so human-like — weird, strange and very nasty!