News & Gossip

Amitabh Bachchan pens down an emotional OBITUARY for Rajan Nanda

Shweta Bachchan Nanda’s father-in-law Rajan Nanda took his last breath on Sunday i.e on 5th August. He was declared brain-dead at a hospital in Gurgaon. Rajan was the husband of Raj Kapoor’s daughter Ritu Kapoor and the Bachchan, Nanda and Kapoor families mourned his death. From Amitabh Bachchan to Abhishek to Aishwarya, everyone arrived at the last rites of Rajan Nanda.Amitabh Bachchan took to his Twitter handle to post on the death of Mr. Nanda. He wrote: “Nothing is perfect… the sooner we accept it, the happier we will be.”~ Ef जीवन में कुछ भी परिपूर्ण नहीं होता ; जितनी जल्दी इसे स्वीकार लिया जाए , उतने ही हम ख़ुश और सम्पन्न रहेंगे ~ ab”

Here are the excerpts from Amitabh Bachchan’s blog on Rajan Nanda:

.. an extended family it is .. but at times distended, with matter, is its inventor architect, with what and how much needs attention therein ..

how to or not to, convey, state, condition .. pretend ? convey all ? subtlety put in words that convey but do not convey ..? what ?

how then to react to adverse , mounting to near admonition by the family towards the inventor, for neglect, disinterest , non notice , complain of giving to others and not to person particular .. what ..?

how then to keep the quiet of what transpires within, and not be opened to all ?

how to responsive be, for the sarcasm and use of language, that at times attracts verbiage rambling, harbouring sarcastic cynicism, distasteful and filled with dismissive adjectives ..?

how ..?

.. there is not all that can find itself on pages of post in the describe, that is yearned by all .. all cannot be disclosed, not for any reason particular .. not for the reverse intent .. but for the factual concern that the page does not in confidence rely on any one Ef , but that the platform does form the excited and freedom free ‘content’ for its own ‘pages’ with the multitudinous others ..!!

… news and information causes the building of the greatest invention in modern times after the prehistoric discovery of the wheel .. wherefrom to obtain it , what to discolour it in the varied rainbow across the horizon, and in which prêt-à-porter design to run it in a fashion board walk among glittering flashes and applauding humanity on either side .. !

… yes the personal tragedy is now in discloser and transmitted .. but it had a lead .. a lead of distress and anxiety and apprehension from a time of some immediate length .. the obvious nested facts were not pressed into the print of this page, but there were hidden hints of them in it ..

my hidden heart can bleed within .. unseen .. but it takes not away the pain of its emission ..

instead .. it pleads not for attention but gets beaten for the absence of its attention about ..

.. this be the burden that shall be ever carried .. this be the beast that shall never be vanquished .. this ogre shall remain wrapped in attached splendour about us .. and if not understood , stop being that pedestal that they who wonder are put on ..

I .. i be that .. i be that bear .. i better be ..

that is the summation for all in generation ..


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