
Adorable Pictures Of The Bollywood Stars Taking Nap On Sets

Life is not easier for anyone on this earth, be it a common man or celebrities. Everyone has to struggle, work hard to achieve success in their life. How can be the hard work of Bollywood stars ignored here? Actually they work for longer hours and thus always are on top.

The day and night long shoots, insistent shots, the hectic schedules and never ending working hours do take toll on our loving Bollywood stars. These celebrities are often caught up in the busy schedules of shootings that they do not get proper sleep. But sleep is important to every human being, so whenever these celebs get time n sets, they, without wasting the precious time decide to take a short and sweet nap and refresh themselves, isnā€™t that sweet? !

Well, life can be tough and strong for the superstars especially when they are hopping from one filmā€™s set to another. Here we have exclusively brought the list of your loving Bollywood stars taking nap on their film sets, have a look!

1. Salman Khan

First in the list of Bollywood stars taking nap we caught our Dabangg star aka Sallu Bhaijan. Look at him, he is sleeping so adorably! Well, while shooting for one of his film, he was exhausted with the tight schedule and thus decided to take a quick short and sweet nap and he actually slept on the set itself. Well, the paparazzi didnā€™t just caught our Bhaijan once but twice on the different sets. But hey, we donā€™t blame Salman Khan, after all, with great stardom comes great hectic schedules.

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