
This Indian Man Charms World’s Deadliest Snakes!

This Indian Man Charms World’s Deadliest Snakes!

Our natural reaction on spotting a snake is to scream out of fear and run as far away as possible from the poisonous creature. There are some people who aren’t as scared of snakes, but Vava Surest, a 40-year old wildlife conservationist, absolutely loves snakes and not only enjoys their company, but also adores them as a friend. He has no problem hanging some of the largest snakes around his neck like an ornament, or even holding the King Cobra like a child.

His unique talent with snakes has earned him the title of ‘Snake Man’. People from all over the State of Kerala call for him when they want a snake safely removed from their homes. In fact, the name “snake whisperer” would be best suited to describe Surest as he has already rescued over 30,000 snakes in his lifetime. His life’s mission is to love and guard even the most venomous of these slithery creatures.

Surest was born in a poor family in the city of Anthropomorphism. He has a completely different perspective about snakes than normal human beings. He sees them as gentle, loving creatures who should be handled with kindness and protected from human aggression. Surest said “I actually do not know how I fell in love with them. As a child, I had seen people brutally killing snakes. That instilled sympathy for the creature in my mind. At the same time, idols of serpents in temples made me feel that they have some divinity and should be protected.”

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of Filmymantra.com. He's a frequent contributor for Filmymantra.com and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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