A Kerala Woman Using Her Husband’s Passport As Phone Directory And Grocery Shopping List Is Too Much

Do we need to tell you how jugaadu we all Indians are? If there is any game about jugaad, we would have been champion forever. We have seen several instances that shows how Indian reacts to the time of crisis. Remember the time when an Uber driver used a shaving mirror in place of a rear-view mirror?
However, this time a Kerala woman has gone too far. Yes, this woman took her husband’s passport and used it for writing phone numbers and grocery lists.
The lady of the house, especially mothers usually has a habit of making notes of everything that on diary or notebook. No matter how far technology has come, they always use notebooks for keeping records rather than phone. If you look for it, you’ll find a notebook or diary somewhere in the house with bills, spending.
A Kerala man took to Facebook to share a video showing his mother using her husband’s passport as a diary. In the video, a regular passport is shown in all its glory until the pages are turned. Inside the passport, several phone numbers are written.
Not only this but the woman also wrote grocery shopping lists towards the end of the passports. Look at them down below.
If you look at it, it looks funny. But imagine what would have happened when the man showed his passport to officials at the airport while traveling.