News & Gossip

Shagun and Ishita is caught red handed

As per the recent promo Shagun and Ishita is caught red handed by Ashok.

The fake spirit possession track gave a boost to the trp ratings of the show, and now it seems like the track is heading toward its climax now .

In the upcoming episode, Shagun ( Anita)  fake death and the spirit possession drama will be revealed to Ashok. Next, Ashok (Sangram Singh)will threaten to harm the ladies. Ishita and Shagun are worried as their master game plan is exposed to Ashok.

Will Ashok end up kidnapping Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi )  and Shagun to hide his truth?

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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