5 influential families that control the world

1) Rothschild: The House of Rothschild is widely considered to be the richest family in the world with estimates of net worth ranging from $500 billion in personal assets to $100 trillion in financial assets. It has been at the hub of global finance since the 1760s, with Mayer Amschel Rothschild placing his 5 sons in the world’s 5 financial centers. The family solidified its global reach in the 19th century by funding monarchies, governments and both sides in the Napoleanic wars. A newspaper at the time described the family as the “brokers and counselors of the Kings of Europe and the republican chiefs for America”. Today the Rothschild family is said to maintain its control through the US Federal Reserve having deployed it agent, Paul Warburg, to create the powerful quasi-government entity in 1913.