Upcoming Drama in Naagin,Swaragini, Saathiya

Upcoming Drama in Naagin,Swaragini, Saathiya
Shivanya and Sesha take revenge from Shailash. Shivanya attacks Shailash. Shailash pleads for forgiveness in the temple. Ankush comes there and saves Shailash. Shailash starts doing Shiv ji’s acharan and asks them to bite him. Sesha and Shivanya couldn’t bite him. Guru Dev says someone else death is sure tonight. Tanvi will die in the show. Kabir gets scared of lizard and tries to flirt with Sesha.
There is good news for Swasan’s fans. Swara and Sanskaar are getting married again. Swara goes to temple. Sanskaar throws color on Kavita, and it falls on Swara. Kavita unites Swara and Sanskaar, as they love each other. Swasan’s marriage will be grand and by everyone’s happiness. Sanskaar surprises Swara with a romantic date. Sanskaar’s parents bring shagun for Swara. Sanskaar asks for Swara’s hand from her parents and promises to keep Swara happy forever. Swara hugs her parents and takes elder’s blessings. Swara and Sanskaar get happy.
Gopi prays to Kanha ji and asks him to do justice as they are going to court. Kokila is not supporting Gopi which troubles her. There is a tension in the house as Kokila and Gopi are against each other. Gopi supports Meera while Kokila supports Gaura. Kokila refuses to accept that Dharam would do such a thing and thinks Meera deserved it. The family members are confused and thinks whom to support. Ahem will be trapped between Mum and wife. Gopi hugs Meera and cries. On the other hand, Gaura scolds Vidya and scares her of tortures mother in laws do to get rid of bahus. Gaura asks Vidya to leave her house. She says Vidya is part of Modi family. Shravan stops Vidya and says Vidya is my wife, she won’t go alone. Vidya and Shravan start leaving home. Gaura stops them by using Durga. Gaura makes Durga fall off the stairs. Vidya and Shravan help Durga. Gaura will make Durga give statement in court in Dharam’s favor. Meera will be back in Gaura’s house.