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Maternity Leaves In These 11 Countries Last This Long, See Which Country Is Best

We simply can’t imagine what a woman has to go through while giving birth to a child. After giving birth to a kid, the mother needs lots of rest and care. It is the time, she needs all the rest and support from her loved ones. Not only the mother but the child also needs lots of care. From feeding and sleep to proper cleaning, the newly born need to be looked out all the time. This is why working women get a leave for a certain period after giving birth to a child. This leave is called Maternity leave.

However, the length of maternity leaves varies country to country. Each and every country has their own rules when it comes to maternity leaves. In the maternity leave period, the working women get paid which is also variable. In some countries, the payment is divided based on the number of days after giving birth, whereas there are some countries, where working women get full salary during entire maternity leave.  Scroll down and check out which countries offer how long maternity leave:


Czech Republic










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