15 Reasons Proving Friendships Are Much Better Than Relationships, Even You’ll Agree

Friends are the best parts of everyone’s life. We cherish our memories spent with the friends. We talk about everything with our friends. This is why time flies whenever we are with friends. However, there has been a huge debate about which are better friendships or relationships. There is no denying that both of them have very important roles, but which is better are the real questions. The foundations of both are based on the trust and love for each other. But, we think that friendships are much better than relationships. Today on Friendship Day, we are going to give you some very solid reasons for the same. Scroll down and check for yourself.
1. Bromance always comes before the romance.
2. Ending relationship is much easier than ending your friendship with the best friends, who has been there for you always.
3. There is no expectation to live up to during friendship. Friends care for nothing, but they are always there when you need them.
4. Friends don’t ask anything even if you away from them for a week, but what happens when you stay away from girlfriend, you know way better.
5. You always contact your best friends for advice on some bizarre issues, not your boyfriend.
6. Bachelor trip is way better than the honeymoon, always!
7. You always fear what will happen when your lies get caught in a relationship.
8. You don’t need to get ready before you go to meet your best friends.
9. No need for planning anything special for your friend’s birthdays. However, you’ll have to face the fury of your partner if you don’t do something special on her birthday.
10. No need to remember all the dates!
11. Friends are always ready for party and drinking, whereas your partner won’t even allow you to drink once.
12. You can’t take a break for yourself in a relationship. ‘Fortress of Solitude’ will be a thing to dream about.
13. You can enjoy your independence in friendship, as girls never come in between the friendship. Try doing the same in the relationship and you are doomed.
14. Commitment never comes up in the friendship.
15. No khichkhich in friendship. The best way to solve misunderstandings is lots of drinking in patch-up parties.