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10 Small Acts that make a Big Difference in your Love Life.

Everybody wants a happy life and for that you need to keep your partner happy because a happy partner means a happy love life which means a happy and relaxed YOU.

Below is a list of 10 small acts, that if you implement in your love life, will surely add happiness and more affection to your and your partners life.

Read on!


#1 Writing love notes doesn’t take a long time, but can mean everything to someone.

Just seeing “I love you,” or “I can’t wait to see you” can deepen a relationship in a big way. And more over it will take just a couple of seconds to write down this cute and lovable love notes for your special one.

#2 Giving in and doing what your lover wants, shows your partner how much you care about their happiness.

And if you wont do it for them, then who will? You are the closest one and you mean everything, and this love does come with a bit of responsibilities. Just help your partner out with what they are doing or doing stuff for them which they want to do but cannot will only deppen your relationship and will bring you both close.

#3 Listening is one of the most important things you can do and it costs nothing.

Life doesn’t remain the same always. If there are happy times there will be moments of sadness as well and if you are not with your partner at the time of need then its better to leave them alone for the betterment of you both.  Stay with your partner through thick and thin. And sometimes that means to just listen to what they are saying.
There are times when people want to burst out and reveal every problem and every thought that is coming in there mind. You don’t have to offer advice, just listen.

#4 A good morning text can make a big difference in his, or her, day, brightening it and letting him/her know that you’re thinking about them.

You know when you open your eyes she/he is the first though, then why not let them know. It wont take much time. Just one text and you both are ready to fight the day with the strongest force by your side, love.

#5 Pay attention to what’s going on in your partner’s life and act accordingly.

Step outside yourself and really look at what is going on in their life. If they need you, be there. the best key here is SUPPORT.

#6 Be reliable and someone he, or she, can trust.

Lets face it. If there is no trust, there is no relationship.

It really means a lot when they can count on you.


#7 Be patient and don’t overreact.

Things happen in life and people deal with things in different ways. The best thing will be to stick together and face everything together, remember 2 is better than 1. Never leave your partners side.

#8 Honesty is a key ingredient in any happy relationship.

Truth is one of the basic needs of a health relationship. A relationship based on lies and secrets wont work long enough. It will end before you know it even started. And the end will be  awful. Don’t keep secrets and harbor resentment.

#9 Be willing to let thing go, or agree to disagree.

What matters most is moving on together with a mutual respect for each other. Respect each others thinking. If you are right may be your partner will also be right in some other way. The difference in opinion is the reason why relationship break and IF understood properly is the reason why people stick to each other. Because the difference in Opinion is, that saves the situation sometimes, if your opinion wont work may be your partner’s will work.


#10 Be a safe harbor for your partner. Someone they can come to, confide in, and feel safe with.

Always show them you are there for them. you never know when things can go wrong and they need to share stuff with you. Always be there for each other.

And hey Com’on now, You can do all these small things for that cute little smile on her/his face.

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Murtaza Rangwala

Murtaza Rangwala is an entrepreneur and connector, as well as founder of He's a frequent contributor for and provides startup advice on his motivational blog.Murtaza is a serial entrepreneur who loves building amazing products and services that scale.… More »

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