These 13 Dialogues From ‘PINK’ Will Blow Your Mind!

Amidst all the blatant sexism Bollywood is famous for routinely churning out – from item songs to stalkers shown as true-blue romantics – it’s always heartening to see films genuinely trying to change things around. At a time when women’s safety and equality is being questioned every minute, movies like ‘Pink’ aren’t just entertainment but also a form of education for those who don’t know anything about respecting a woman’s choice.
When a woman says ‘No’, it’s time for a man to stop. It’s as simple and as clear as that. And that’s exactly what ‘Pink’ establishes, in a manner that’s gripping, effective and entertaining. With fabulous performances from the entire cast, especially Amitabh Bachchan and Taapse Pannu, if you haven’t seen the film yet, you’re really missing out on something.
With Amitabh Bachchan’s extraordinary acting skills, the film just shot to another level. The protagonists of the film were three beautiful ladies who stepped it up a notch and made it all look very real. There were no cliche’s no dreamy possibilities, no Bollywood masala/glamour whatsoever. Just an issue with other major issues intact.